A regular haunt - the royal standard at lyme

Lyme has a good selection of colourful beach huts although they seem quite small

this artwork in east reach is quite new - it is to promote a local tatoo parlour

i assumed this lady is protesting aginst the number of roads that have been closed in central taunton with a "road closure" sign in front of her burnt to cinders - she might just be watching the busker but someone seems to have it in for road closures!

An eye catching display of bags in a shop in taunton - not sure what the shop is callled but the signs say "outdoors" - not sure if they are bags though

watch out for sharks in taunton library!

this footbridge is part of taunton's 21 million pound nidr scheme - it replaces the old "40 steps" bridge and has ramps that can be used by cycles and wheelchairs - the old bridge just had 40 steps at each end

cycle racks for tdbc council staff at the deane house offices - they look fairly secure compared with some racks and are covered - i prefer a brompton which can just be parked under a desk but for people who use non-brompton bikes these would be handy racks

2 flags - one flag for each match

i wonder how many reflections of myself i can count?

portaloo - one section of the nidr road connecting the a38 priory roundabout with the a358 near taunton school

the old "kingston loop" bridge - it appears this bridge will be gone very shortly as it will be replaced with a new road bridge forming part of the NIDR road scheme

nidr pipes - these pipes lie on the path of the new road adjecent to whitehall in taunton - the 2 main town churches are visible behind the pipes

it looks from this sign that you cannot enter this area unless you are a shopper or have "written permission" - i wonder how you get the written permission if you are not a shopper and are therefore barred from entering.

praying that his bus will turn up soon

there seem to be a lot of dragons popping up in taunton recently - this has been decorated with sharpie marker pens